Nuprl Lemma : es-dstate-when_wf 11,40

es:ES, e:E. (discrete state when e discrete state@loc(e

DefinitionsId, t  T, Void, x:A.B(x), Top, x:AB(x), b, A, b, , s = t, , x when e, loc(e), discrete(i;x), x:AB(x), P  Q, x:A  B(x), P & Q, P  Q, Unit, left + right, x.A(x), (discrete state when e), discrete state@i, ES, E
Lemmases-E wf, event system wf, eqtt to assert, iff transitivity, eqff to assert, assert of bnot, es-isconst wf, es-loc wf, es-when wf, bool wf, bnot wf, not wf, assert wf, Id wf
